Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kate's 1st Grade class

Mother's Day Reader's Theater

End of the year Music Concert.

I got to spend a bit of time in Kate's class. In the end I played Mrs. Foster's store with them. My last day with them they gave me this bouquet of edible flower's that they made. She had an awesome teacher and a great group of kids.
We were very blessed to have gotten Mrs. Helvik for a teacher she was great with Kate.

Levi receiving his Arrow of Light!

The Ceremony took place near Pompey's Pillar.
It was part of the councils Spring Camporee. Satuday evening all the youngmen who had earned the A
Arrow of Light got to participate.

Crossing over the bridge into Boy Scouts!

Levi with two other boys from our ward.

Honey Bees!

May 14, 2010 By UPS We got our Bee's! Here our some photos of Mike and the kids getting them set up and released. We have 2 hives. Each hive has 1 Queen and 3lbs of bee's. That equals about12,000 bees per hive.

Our Little Piece of Heaven!

About 4 miles South of Laurel we have found a piece of ground that we are looking to buy. It is a 20 acre piece with water rights it is completely fenced and ready for our critters. We are renting it now for $25 a head and hope to buy it as soon as our house sells.

Kate Playing Soccer

Laurel Little League Soccer

She loved to play goalie!

Kate & Kadee
The both were in the same school class together this year and got to be on the same soccer team. She had a good time playing and was pretty aggresive. Fun to watch her play.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

State Champions

Logan's Basketball team took State this year!
It was a neat experience the last time Laurel took state was back in 1972.
The town made a pretty big deal out of it all.
Pep Rally, Parades, Dinner every night for a week by a different business. They got the royal treatment.

In the middle picture he is second from the end. Sorry it's the best photo I have.

Logan received the Triple A award for his team. Attitude, Athlete, Academics.
Here is all his paraphernalia. We are proud of you Logan!

Logan's Birthday

Friday, April 23,2010

Opening presents and eating his favorite breakfast.
Biscuits & Gravy
Notice the cool shades.
He had a few things on his wish list. Sun glasses, New Headphones, and a Sweatshirt.

I have seventeen year old??

Spencer's 15th Birthday April 17, 2010

Spencer did not know what he wanted for his birthday and we did not know what to get him so we got a gift card to Cabela's.

Guess what he spent it on?

Fishing Gear!

He has his own pole and tackle box but it is in storage like everything else we own.

So he bought another. He has been fishing everday!
He goes to school then drivers ed., comes home and eats dinner and then is off for a couple of hours of fishing.

We live about 2 blocks from a pond one night he caught 15 fish. He just catches and releases them.

This Saturday we dropped him off at the Yellowstone River he caught a 15 inch German Brown. I sure enjoyed it! It was pretty good tasting!

His excitement has rubbed off on Kate & Levi so we went to Walmart and bought 2 more poles. This is how we are keeping ourselves entertained anymore. It makes for a great family home evening.

Kate's New Smile

It seems like every time we turn around Kate is loosing more teeth.
This is her latest look.
I am not sure how she can even eat.