Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Birthday Surprize!

What a surprise I got!

My boys came home from Montana to surprise me at 4:00 am. They drove all night. Spent the weekend with us. We had a good time and I was able to fix something for them besides bologna sandwiches and burritos.
We got some yard work done and had a good time together. It was the best birthday ever.

This is what little sister will do when she misses big brother.
And what big brother will alow because he misses her.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Making a Pinata!

For Kate's Birthday we decided to Make a Pinata.
Benson (Our Homestay Student from Hong Kong)
Levi & Kate

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I have not blogged for awhile this is why.
My Garden has kept me busy.
I have put up over
60 quarts of pickles.
60 pints of Salsa
20 Quarts of Tomatoes
Our Garden has done real well.

In Total I have done over 300 Bottles of canning this Fall. It's been fun but I am tired of tomatoes.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day Of School September 8,2009

Levi started the 5th grade. His last year in elementary school! Now that is sad!
His teacher is Mr. Henderson I have heard great things about him so far so good!

Kate was excited to start 1st grade. But not near as excited as I was. Most mothers cry when there baby goes to school. I did get teary eyed because I have waited so long for this day to come.
Kate's teachers are Mrs. Henderson & Mrs. Halligan they are team teaching.

September 8,2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kate's Missing Teeth!

Kate has been working on this tooth since before school got out. Last week I told her if she did not get it out by the time school started she was going to the dentist to get it pulled. It worked! The very next day she had it out.
Two days later she had worked a second one loose. When she got to Montana she showed her dad the missing hole and asked him to feel the new loose one. We'll you know how sneaky dad's can be. One wiggle and he had it out no sweat!
She is going to be ready for Halloween with her Jack-o-lantern smile.

Levi Harvesting His Watermelon!

Levi had great Luck with his watermelon.
We sure have enjoyed them.
Another thing we will miss
about Oregon.

This is the first one we picked.

This is the second one we picked about a week later.
We decided to weight it. It was over 24lbs.

When we get back to Oregon we will pick the last one.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Recycling Can Pay!

Our trip to Montana with a visit to grandpa and grandmas & Uncle Steve brought us back with a van load of pop bottles. Today we got the last of them recycled. We were able to return them for $28.75. Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

An apartment in Montana!

After I had spent one night in that little camper with all six of us it became my quest to find these boys an apartment. Logan found his tent to be more comfortable and Spencer was sleeping in the back of the van. They were in a campground behind the truck stop next to a bar and paying way to much for it.
I found this little one bedroom apartment for only $50 more than what they were paying for the truck stop campground. It even had air conditioning!

The Bedroom! We stole the mattress out of the camper. It was pretty comfy.

They did not have a kitchen table but the camp chairs worked great.

Saturday we went garage sale shopping. I got this vacuum for $1. Logan had fun testing it out. It did work!

We were able to get a toaster, microwave, 2 end tables, a lamp, an alarm clock and a piano keyboard all for $35. I felt a lot better about leaving them.

After a long weekend and his football game Spencer crashed on his bed (army cot) in his room (front room).

I guess we are making some memories!

The kids had fun riding the four wheeler around in the sage brush.

We followed Mike out to Lake Mason in the middle of Eastern Montana. He was baiting duck traps in order to test for Avain Influenzea. It was fun to get a look at some of the things he is doing. We were also more than 100 miles into the middle of nowhere.

Laurel just finished their new stadium, complete with artificial turf and the works!!

We arrived in Laurel, Montana just in time to watch Spencer's first home game of the season. The colors are purple just like Bancroft, but instead of the Cowboys we have to shout, "Go Locomotives"............I guess we can get use to that?

Our first month in Montana

Mike has spent the first five weeks at the Ponderosa Truck and RV Stop. Not very glamorious but the little kids had fun when we showed up for a visit.

We feel like sardines. Six of us packed into a ten by twelve camper, but the nights are cool and the air is fresh.

The Boys were sure suprised when Misty, Levi and Kate showed up for a week's visit.