The Bear River.

The Flume

Logan has this thing with heights and hanging over the edge. It about puts me over the edge I don't like heights and couldn't even stand to watch him.

Those our the boards to walk back across. That was the hardest part of the experience for me. Did I say I hate heights?

The whole gang.

Jumping In!

Here they all come back after they floated down the flume.

Now it is my turn.

Since we had a week to spend I got Kate & Levi enrolled in Swimming Lessons.
Levi was able to complete his Swimming Merit Badge.

They had fun with their cousins on the slip-n-slide and just putting water on the trampoline.
We spent one day at the Word Famous Lava Hot Springs!
The kids had a blast it was a beautiful day to be at the pool.
I had so much fun going down the slides and just being together that this was the only picture I took.

Logan & Ryver jamming out with Guitar Hero.
I'm not sure who was have more fun!

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