First off he spent it in Colorado helping his Uncle David move back to Idaho. So he did not get to celebrate it with us or open any presents untill the end of July.
Here he is opening his presents.
Here is all his loot. A book on oragami, seeds to grow a Venus Fly Trap, toothbrush, church socks, bottle caps to earn coke rewards and a bunch of fireworks.
I can't believe you are 11. Happy Birthday!
But the thing he wanted most was a rabbit. You can't have a rabbit without a cage.
So here we are building a rabbit cage and a chicken coop. Now we just need a place to keep them.
Thanks grandpa Foster for keeping them for us till we get settled here in Montana.
To bad you weren't still here we would have given him 2 rabbits and the whole set up! We just got rid of ours on craigslist!