This past year has been full of changes. In February we moved out of the apartment and into a home. It has stretched us but is nice to have all our things back. Logan graduated this spring and spent the summer with us working for Meadow Gold Dairies. It was nice to have him around. Spencer got a job working for a farmer near our home he worked very hard and some long hours. Logan started his first semester at BYU in Provo and has worked on his mission papers over the holiday. He just has the interview left with the Stake President. So a call should not be to far away.
Mike has been busy with his job and sure enjoys his time in the field.
I have been working 3 days a week for the County Preschool we work with special needs children. I really enjoy it. On my days off I substitute for the Laurel School District. Levi is in the 7th Grade and Kate the 3rd. Spencer is a Junior in High School and had a very great Football Season. This spring he tried his hand at Rugby and this winter started wrestling. He enjoys both of these sports very much and is doing great for getting such a late start.
So I will try to share some photos that will fill you in on some of what we have been doing this past year. I can't guarantee that they will be in chronological order.
But here we go!
Our House 600 Kudu Avenue
Kate's Room
Levi's Room
Master Bathroom
Front Room
Master Bedroom
Outside Front
Putting In Water Line
Wisdom Teeth Day
Spencer & Gunner
Spencer Playing Rugby
Logan's New York Senior Trip
Logan's Graduation Day
All his buddies from Idaho!
Prom 2011
The boys with their Kaylee's
Riggin's Idaho - With the Glen Foster Family
Ruby Rapids
Coffee Pot Idaho - Yost Family
Our Family Hobby
Honey Bee's & Catching Bee Swarms
Spencer Playing Football
Offensive Guard & Defensive Tackle
Putting up the Christmas Tree
Spencer & Kaylee Winter Formal
Gingerbread House 2011
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