Here is a picture of Kate & Breeze our German Short hair. This was taken two days after our 14 hour drive from Oregon to Montana it went better than I ever thought it would. I had been up for close to 36 hours but was glad to finally be reunited again and make my last trip alone to Montana. When I was rested and was able to get a tree and put up a few decorations. We strung popcorn, made paper chains and cinnamon and applesauce ornaments. It started to finally look and feel like Christmas for us.

We had Breeze in our two bedroom apartment for about five days and she did well but it was time to get her to Idaho. Mikes parents are keeping her for us till we get a house and place to keep her. So we made the trip to Idaho. On the way we stopped at Warm Springs, Montana to let Breeze loose. The kids got out and went exploring. This scenic spot was a boat launch along the Madison River. Logan lets say got to see how "warm" Warm Springs Montana is.

After he fell in head first and changed into the only other clothes he brought I made him walk out to the spot were he fell in. I wish I had gotten pictures of him all wet. He was a very cold boy and got out of some work at grandpa's because we had to get his clothes and shoes dry.
burr-- he looks freezing -- glad you made it there okay and get to be with your family again.